Thursday, May 1, 2014

The real American life of the average mother

My name is Rebecca Vera, I am 40 years old. I have been married to the same man for 24 years. We have six kids together and 5 grand babies. I am also a recovering addict. I go to college at night trying to earn my associates degree in applied science in Information Technology at Brown Mackie College.   Now that I have told you a little about my self I wanted to say that starting a blog was something that I never thought that I would do. But look at me now... Haha. I decided to name this blog the real American mother because I am soooo sick and tired of the false image that we accept in today's society. Real we on don't go to the damn spa everyday, we don't have our own trainers. And we sure as hell can't go out and spend 10,000 dollars on a purse like we see on tv lately!!!! Get that right real housewives!! In the real world we have to struggle just to get dinner on the table. What is up with the  Kardashions? In truth. WHO GIVES A SHIT? I am sick of seeing those bitches every time I turn on the damn tv. Who's with me? Maybe if they did a real reality show in the life of a real woman maybe they would learn something!!!! And another thing WHO CARES WHO those fake bitches are sleeping with... lol. Anyway, I have decided to start this blog on a daily basis. I will write about my struggles and achievements on a daily basis on what it's like for the real American housewife just trying to make it through the day and raise her family. Thanks for reading....  

Before I go I just wanted to introduce my family. Starting from left to right. That's me bending over my grand daughter Nevaeh, then Michael, who is my second oldest son. Then next to him is my son Alek, then my oldest son Jamie, then my daughter Amanda . Next to her is my step daughter Heaven, then my husband Joe and the two down front is my grand son JJ and my step son Bonz,,,  I know what you are maybe thinking, welfare, right? Hell noI wish, maybe it would be a hell of a lot easier to feed my family if that were true. Anyway, this is my family and as of right now. We are here and well, we are here,,,lol

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